Catalonia has been a city that has many traditions and between those was the bullfighting that is a barbaric practice where a man tortures a bull and finally the bull dies because loses much blood and the most unacceptable of this is that people pay a lot of money to see that and they really enjoy it, so I think that It’s necessary to ban that horrible practice, because breaks the animal rights.
Recently, in Catalonia was forbidden the bullfighting, because 180000 people say that the practice is barbaric and outdated, so they voted against that, if you see the statistics the politicians vote 68 backed a ban, 55 voted against and 9 abstained, that shows that the politicians finally get it, bullfighting has no place in the 21st century, with this Catalans are a good example, not only for Spain, to all world and is an act to admire.
In another way, are a few people who believe that bullfighting is a tradition, so this can’t be forbidden, I say, that a tradition is a practice that really improves and protects the culture of a town, a practice that is in pro with human’s thought and if you see the bullfighting is a really brutal practice, because in a corrida, six bulls are killed each time and the bull is tortured for 20 minutes, a tradition doesn’t be kill animals to fun. Moreover, are some people that say, bullfighting is an economic improve and make job, but this is totally freak, because is money that is made with blood, innocent blood, pay money to go and watch that kind of cruelty is horrible and the most horrible part is that kids go too.
To conclude, I say that bullfighting is a very cruel and barbaric practice that has to disappear on the world, because is against to animals right and promotes a conduct of aggressiveness and violence. Moreover people who enjoy and defense that, is people who have no feelings and like the innocent blood, so I agree with the decision of Catalans and I hope that all world do the same, no more bullfighting, torture is not art or culture.
Naked bullfighting protest in Colombia
Naked bullfighting protest in Colombia